Ben Freund describes how important cow care is to ensuring both the viability of our family business as well as delivering a high quality and nutritious food.
The first thing you probably think of when it comes to sustainability is the environment. And as a multi-generational farm that depends on healthy soil to grow crops for our cows, it’s paramount that we not just care for the land, but actually make it better. Isaac and Matt describe some of the farming practices to do just that!
New England Dairy’s Director of Nutrition Programs, Heidi Harkopf explains how dairy is absolutely part of a sustainable diet and it’s importance as a source of protein.
Dairy is produced on our farm 365 days/year which makes it a local food all year long. Blending it into our favorite recipes is a sustainable choice for both our farm family and in our farm market. Theresa loves to cook and bake and in this video she’s preparing the perfect pairing- strawberry shortcake with biscuits made using sour cream, buttermilk and butter!